Tuesday, June 9, 2015

sleep training

Hi Ashley, 

   We are beginning to sleep train you. The first night, you cried 4 times. Each time Daddy went back in after 1 minute, and then patted your bum and sang to you. 

  Just like your Ga Jeh, we are using twinkle twinkle as the song of choice. You stared at me each time with the biggest smile on your face. 

  The second night we started your nighttime routine earlier, at 8:30pm, and in bed by 9pm. You only cried twice. Daddy didn't even have to go inside to sooth you. You cried at about 10:30pm for milk, and daddy dream fed you but leaving you in bed, lights off, with a bottle in your mouth. You drank about 5 ounces. 

  You cried again in the middle of the night. I'm not sure what time that was. Mommy took care of you. You slept even after Ga Jeh went to school at 9am, so all in all, not bad.

  Keep it up, little squirt.